Tag Archives: creative ice breakers

3 Fun Ice Breakers You Can Use at Conferences

Below are some creative ideas to help attendees break the ice and also brainstorm ideas.  Some may seem silly but they often help break through barriers and allow effective team building.

1. Every participant has to write down an activity and an object, then passes the activity to the right, and the object to the left. Then have each participants explain how their new combination would still make sense.

2. Start off with a small story introduction, then ask the participants to continue the story, one sentence at a time.

3. Go around the group and ask each person to state his/her name and attach and adjective that not only describes a dominant characteristic, but also starts with the same letter of his name, ex- dynamic Dave.  Write them down and refer to them by this for the rest of the evening.

Joshua Gair – Impact Entertainment Services
